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introducing encaustiflex

Introducing Encaustiflex for Encaustic Mixed Media, Textile & Fibre Art

Some time ago, I stumbled upon Debbie Lyddon’s work on Pinterest. Her work inspired me to explore new ways to combine textiles and encaustic wax painting. While I had used fabric as collage elements in my encaustic pieces before, I began thinking more intentionally about incorporating textiles into my work. That’s when I discovered Encaustiflex—a material that opened up exciting possibilities.

What is Encaustiflex?

Encaustiflex is a microfiber material created by Leslie Giuliani, designed specifically for encaustic art. It’s a rip-proof, paper-like product made from recycled soda bottles, combining spun polyester and nylon. What makes it unique is its flexibility—it can be painted, sewn (by hand or machine), and used for encaustic monotypes.

Leslie generously sent me a sample to review, and I was eager to see how it could expand my encaustic practice.

Untitled | Encaustic Mixed Media on Encaustiflex | 7" x 10" | by Ruth Maude

Painting on Encaustiflex: My Process

Here’s how I created the encaustic mixed media landscape featured above:

  1. Encaustic Printmaking:
    • Using an anodized aluminum plate on my griddle, I painted with Enkaustikos Hot Sticks and Encaustic Art Wax Blocks.
    • I placed a sheet of Encaustiflex over the plate, gently pressing it with my fingertips, then rubbed the surface with a baren to transfer the wax.
  2. Adding Textiles:
    • I incorporated a scrap of blue fabric, stitching it directly onto the encaustic print with my sewing machine.
    • A strip of golden silk fabric was added, with frayed edges revealing red and yellow threads for texture.
  3. Detailing:
    • A thick, rough line of white thread stitched across the horizon added texture.
    • I used an encaustic stylus to add fine details, enhancing the composition further.
  4. Finishing Touches:
    • A second piece of blue fabric was sewn onto the print, adding depth and balance.
    • Finally, I framed the piece behind glass. While some texture was muted, the overall presentation was polished.

Exploring Encaustiflex

Encaustiflex offers some interesting possibilities for encaustic artists, particularly for those looking to combine wax with textiles and mixed media. Its durability and ability to be sewn make it a versatile addition to the encaustic toolbox.

Ready to Try Encaustiflex?

While I’m still exploring the full potential of this material, I’m glad to have discovered a new way to experiment with textiles in my encaustic work.

You can purchase Encaustiflex here. Once you’ve tried it, I’d love to hear your thoughts—leave a comment below!

8 thoughts on “Introducing Encaustiflex for Encaustic Mixed Media, Textile & Fibre Art”

  1. i like this thanks for sharing. i was wondering how to use encaustic for my books. i think this is the answer.

    1. just a quick reply re my working with making books using encaustiflex. it has amazing possibilities for sure.
      for covers, or for pages, or for adding shapes pieces to covers or pages. i have found that there is no cracking and i can even roll lightly waxed flex with no troubles or cracking. i have lots more to try and will send pics soon. it is great stuff, thanks, Leslie!!!!!
      i have lots more to try, but building my house has taken most of my time.

  2. Hi Ruth. Thanks so much for this post on encaustiflex. Question: How did you manage to sew through wax with your sewing machine without gunking up the machine?? Thanks in advance!

    1. I was worried about this myself but the monotype layer of wax was so thin that it wasn’t a problem. I came back in with the encaustic stylus and added thicker wax on top.

      1. Jac Seery Howard

        Just had my first go at machine stitching into encaustiflex that has had a coat of clear encaustic medium added. Managed about 10cms before thread snapped. Needle is so gunked up I can’t rethread it. Admittedly it wasn’t an encaustic monoprint with a thin layer of wax – but a brushed on coat… hmmm frustrating…. suggestions anyone?
        Jac Seery Howard

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