Journalling scares me. If you have read my previous post, Sinking In: strengthening the conversation with our art and ourselves, you’ll know that I have always shied away from the idea of keeping a journal. I have a fear that someone will read my private thoughts. In my painting Sinking in: “Dear Inner Critic…” I wrote directly on the substrate, hiding my words beneath layers of encaustic.
As I continue to explore ways to expand my creativity, I realize that by not journalling I may be missing out. The simple act of writing can help unlock inner thoughts and feelings. It can help me reach a deeper level of creative consciousness.
Morning Pages for Creative Recovery
In Julia Cameron’s book the Artist’s Way she promotes a practice for creative recovery that she calls the morning pages.
“Morning Pages are three pages of longhand, stream of consciousness writing, done first thing in the morning.”
“Three pages of whatever crosses your mind—that’s all there is to it.”
Private Journalling: Recovering a Sense of Safety
I first learned of the Artist’s Way and the practice of Morning Pages from reading Daniella Woolf’s book the Encaustic Studio. Journaling is an important part of Daniella Woolf’s daily artistic practice.
“The very act of writing with a fountain pen on paper is pleasurable for me. It gets the thoughts out of my head and onto paper. Sometimes the writing takes me on a journey with branches, twists, and turns. It takes me away from linear thinking, frees me up, and shows me where I am in this moment… These words are private and for me only. I hardly ever reread them; mostly I shred the journal pages right after writing and put the pieces into my artwork, for they are loaded with energy.” [Daniella Woolf the encaustic studio page 33]
I can shred my journal pages! By shredding or cutting up my journal pages right after writing no one will ever read what I’ve written. I can journal. That fear is gone. And I love that Daniella Woolf uses her pages in her art.
Journalling without fear
I’ve picked up a copy of the Artist’s Way and, thanks to Daniella Woolf’s idea of using a paper shredder, I am ready to begin without fear.
“Week 1: This week initiates your creative recovery… The readings, tasks, and exercises aim at allowing you to establish a sense of safety, which will enable you to explore your creativity with less fear.”
This morning I began the practice of Morning Pages.