Home / Photo Encaustic Techniques / How to print a large image onto multiple pages
Printing Larger images on multiple sheets of paper

How to print a large image onto multiple pages

Larger Photo Encaustic Image Printing Tips

Unless you have a large format printer, you may be limiting photo transfers to 8 12  x 11-inch paper. Printing a large image that tiles across multiple pages can be a game-changer for artists exploring photo encaustic techniques. Here are a couple of easy options to print one image across multiple sheets.

Choose the method below that works best for you and then you can piece your image together for a larger photo transfer.

1. The PDF Way

  1. Convert your image into a PDF file.
    1. Open Adobe Reader (the free program)
    2. Click File → Create → PDF from File
    3. Search for your image and click Open
  2. Select File → Print and choose the poster option. This will split the image into multiple pages
  3. Adjust the Tile Scale to fit the image to the size of your panel
  4. Print

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2. The Spreadsheet Way – Works with Excel, Google Sheets and Apple Numbers

In 2013, I Googled “How to print a large image onto multiple pages” and discovered the excel method. I’ve been using this method ever since. If you own a copy of Excel, give it a try. I like the ability to adjust the image size and number of sheets by simply dragging the image corner. If you don’t have Excel, Google Sheets or Apple Numbers will also work.

  1. Create a new spreadsheet in Excel. (File → New)
  2. Put the (flipped) image into the first cell A1.
    1. put your cursor in cell A1
    2. Insert → Pictures → Place over cells → Picture from file
    3. Browse your computer for the flipped image file and click insert
  3. Drag the bottom corner to size the image. Notice in the image below that the inches will actually display as a tooltip as you drag
  4. The dashed lines tell you where page breaks are
  5. Your image will print across multiple pages. You can piece them together when doing the transfer
  6. Wide margins seem to work best
screenshot of excel

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Encaustic Photo Transfer

To do a photo transfer on encaustic you can use the parchment paper method or the regular printer paper transfer method.

If you have something to add, I would like to hear it. Leave a comment below.

34 thoughts on “How to print a large image onto multiple pages”

  1. Hi Ruth, just stumbled into your blog post (ouch) and glad I did, I’m just getting into cosplay and needed a way to print out large prop designs, tried both your ideas [your a genius girl-friend] fantastic both worked brilliantly but think I’ll stick with the excell. Thanks again Ruth ❤️

  2. You failed to mention here for the Excel method you have to go to Page Layout > Print Area and select letter for the dotted lines to show up. Took me a super long time to figure out to the point I almost gave up altogether, just sharing to hopefully prevent confusion/frustration in the future

  3. I’m trying to use the excel method in google sheets, but dragging the image only duplicates it to cells below it in the same column, and nothing else. how can I remedy this?

  4. This was sooooo helpful. I couldn’t get my brain to figure this out. THANK YOU for everything you share. You are so generous!

  5. Thank you SO much! I have been struggling to print an extra large image on multiple pages. You have made this really simple and easy to use. I am delighted! Very much appreciated 🙂

  6. Hi,
    Thank you so much, you deserve flowers for this nice advice, I was able to print the ladder and snake board for my kid on multiple A4 papers to create a nice board game and enjoy playing together.

  7. You seriously saved my life with this post. Well, ok. Maybe not my life but at least my sanity, and that’s the same, right? In any case, thank you SO much.

  8. Thanks so much! I was trying so hard to enlarge photos for painting big and I couldn’t do it without some sort of subscription. I have Excel already and that worked perfectly!!! Never thought of it. Such a time saver!

    1. You need to adjust the size of the original image. When you click poster, it will fit the number of pages needed for the original image size

    1. By flipping, I mean to create a mirror image. Flip the image horizontally so that when you place it face down to transfer the image it will be the correct way.

  9. Very useful and clear instructions. What are the main benefits of using Adobe Reader compared to other software for printing large images across multiple pages, like Coragi ImagePrint or PosteRazor (open source)?

  10. Marijke Gilchrist

    Thank you for that never thought to use excel for image printing. I enjoy reading your blogs and it certainly helps me on my journey to creating my encaustic works.

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